

write me


recent experiments:

shock and awe indeed. - 2:26 PM , Friday, Sept. 02, 2005

I grow old, but I prefer my trousers unrolled. - 9:30 AM , Monday, Aug. 22, 2005

it's all about the iPod - 10:00 AM , Thursday, Aug. 11, 2005

uncountable in showers of crimson rubies - 4:43 PM , Monday, Jul. 18, 2005

and I know it aches, and your heart it breaks... - 1:12 PM , Friday, Jul. 08, 2005

if you're this close, introduce yourself.

or, leave me a note.

I have become a sucker for every book Diane Rehm plugs.

Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2004 ... 12:46 PM

Now Playing: Theater Wrap-up, on The Kojo Namdhi show.


Ahem. Testing. Testing 123. Is this thing on?

The time has come (the chairman said) [1] to dust off the brain and start jotting again.

A while back, I switched this diary to the weblog-type format because I thought I'd do better writing daily if I only committed to writing a few sentences here and there, which lends well to the blog format. But then I kept writing long entries and I didn't like the way they looked all piled upon each other, so I changed it back to the single entry format. And then I wrote less and less often because I didn't have enough time, etc etc.

I want to try and do the little bitty entry thing again, so here I go. If it takes, maybe I'll switch back to the blog style format.


Did you know Tim Robbins could sing? I didn't know Tim Robbins could sing.


Is there a 12-step program for NPR addicts? I think I have a problem. I hardly ever listen to music on the radio these days.


[1] as she has often said, sometimes the jokes aren't for you.