

write me


recent experiments:

shock and awe indeed. - 2:26 PM , Friday, Sept. 02, 2005

I grow old, but I prefer my trousers unrolled. - 9:30 AM , Monday, Aug. 22, 2005

it's all about the iPod - 10:00 AM , Thursday, Aug. 11, 2005

uncountable in showers of crimson rubies - 4:43 PM , Monday, Jul. 18, 2005

and I know it aches, and your heart it breaks... - 1:12 PM , Friday, Jul. 08, 2005

if you're this close, introduce yourself.

or, leave me a note.

It's not that complicated.

Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2004 ... 12:27 PM

Now Playing: the new EFO album, "This is Me"


You know what really gets me about the flu vaccine hysteria? A lot of the people who are panicked right now probably wouldn't have bothered to get a flu shot this year anyway. The only reason they're certain they need one now is that they can't get one.

Get a grip, people. Wash your hands a lot, especially after touching door handles and other very public things. Plain old soap and warm water are your best defense. Don't stick your fingers in your mouth, nose, or eyes unless you know they're clean. If you are sick, don't go to class/work/etc. Stay home. Cover your mouth when you cough. Get plenty of sleep this winter; don't let yourself get run down. Eat food that's good for you, drink lots of water and other fluids. Your skin AND you immune system will both thank you. Etc etc.

Does this stuff sound familiar? It's because your mother used to tell you the same things. Listen to your mother. She knows.
