

write me


recent experiments:

shock and awe indeed. - 2:26 PM , Friday, Sept. 02, 2005

I grow old, but I prefer my trousers unrolled. - 9:30 AM , Monday, Aug. 22, 2005

it's all about the iPod - 10:00 AM , Thursday, Aug. 11, 2005

uncountable in showers of crimson rubies - 4:43 PM , Monday, Jul. 18, 2005

and I know it aches, and your heart it breaks... - 1:12 PM , Friday, Jul. 08, 2005

if you're this close, introduce yourself.

or, leave me a note.

Something not even a little bit about the election.

Thursday, Nov. 04, 2004 ... 9:52 PM

Now Playing: DMB, "Lie in our Graves"


One of these days I will get around to posting a few more wedding pictures. I will. But I'm feeling autumnal and want to share this with the world.

One of my favorite things about my new house is that this:

is my street.


One of my other favorite things is that if you walk to the end of this block, turn right, then left, you're at my sister's house.

I like that part a lot.


I was going to post a picture of my new house complete with Jack-o-lantern on the front steps. But our jack, which we tried to make mean and scary-looking, looks less mean and scary and more... constipated. So, um.. never mind. Maybe when it's decorated for Chistmas instead.
